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                  ABOUT US

About Real Toads Theatre Fest: 

REAL TOADS THEATRE FEST is a celebration of creativity and collaboration. Our marquee musical, [title of show] is an exploration of the creative process and a testament to the power of a simply told story. Our Original One Acts collection is an even greater celebration of creativity, spotlighting the amazing works written and directed by our peers. By presenting these two productions together, we hope to show audiences the unique creative power of homespun, fundamental theatre production. More importantly, we want to offer you the opportunity to take part in the collaborative process of theatre-making — an experience that is transformative. 


About the company: 

REAL TOADS THEATRE CO. was founded in 2022 as the banner behind our production of 

THE COMPLETE WORKS OF WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE [abridged]. We realized that it’s possible to do theatre without a whole lot of institutional support — with determination, innovation, and inspiration anyone can put on a show. Our company is predicated upon tapping into and spotlighting the amazing talent in our community, especially of those who may not have the time or opportunity to take part in another theatrical outlet, and telling stories in a way that's unique to our medium of collaborative, minimalist theatre. Our mission is to embrace theatricality in its most essential forms, through community collaboration, playfulness, and meaningful story. 

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